Trevor and Clyde have arrived back at the farm, and were greeted with excitement and fanfare. The acting CEO, Raymond Jr., and his family were eager to see what they had learned. They were amazed at how smooth and confident Trevor and Clyde were in their driving skills. They could easily maneuver the sleigh around the farm grounds with ease.
Trevor and Clyde had truly become valuable assets to the farm, and their training had transformed them into two of the most skilled Clydesdale horses in the immediate area. They have a new purpose and will become a source of pride for the farm and the community.
We expect to provide sleigh and wagon rides in the near future, but for now, they will be on a strict training regime so that their new masters (Oliver and Scott) will become masters themselves in driving horses. It's important to note that during this training regime, Trevor and Clyde should not be fed any treats (such as carrots or apples).
Stay Tuned for Photographs!
#TrevorAndClyde, #ClydesdaleHorses, #FarmLife, #HorseTraining, #SleighRides, #WagonRides, #StrictRegime, #NoTreats, #MaskIslandFarm, #Farmlife, #Horses